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Englischgenie =)


Hey falls jemand ein bissi zeit hat
kann er / sie gg sich vielleicht meinen englisch aufsatz durchlesen
bin immer knapp am verzwweifeln

Breezing into the Future

This text, written by Dick Thompson, informs us of renewable energy. Especially of wind turbines, for example in central California. It presents new ideas, facts and studies of renewable energy.
Because of the many disadvantages of dependence on dirty fuels and foreign oils, the USA had new plans for wind power. In fact the renewable wind energy, that would be promise to be a clean, reliable source. It would be environmentally friendly and cheaper because they need just a little breeze. Unfortunately these plans were not realized because the reputation of wind turbines was not very good and the stigma of tax scams. Since 1985 there is new energy in the wind because the wind turbines have been more efficient and cost effective. They had been more reliable and several figures had attracted the interest of international competitors. They had made surveys, pilot projects and they had become a new wildcatter that had bought new rights-licenses. The main goal of wind industries is to generate environmentally friendly, renewable energy which would be also cheap. The text tells us prices from America. In California, for example, it costs 7c per kW and in areas of high wind it will cost 5c by 1995. By the year 2000 it will be cheaper of another penny.
Wind energy is also a political issue because they have to decide if they tamper with free marketing to nurture a new technology. The answer is definitely yes.


LG BABSI :wave:


This text, written by Dick Thompson, informs us of renewable energy. Especially of wind turbines, for example in central California. It presents new ideas, facts and studies about renewable energy.
Because of the many disadvantages of dependence on dirty fuels and foreign oils, the USA had new plans for wind power. In fact the renewable wind energy, that would be promise to be a clean, reliable source. It would friendly to environment and cheaper because they need just a little breeze. Unfortunately these plans were not realized because the reputation of wind turbines was not very well and the stigma of tax scams.

Since 1985 there is new energy in the wind because the wind turbines are more efficient and cost effective. They became more reliable and several figures had attracted the interest of international competitors. They have made surveys, pilot projects and they become a new wildcatter that had bought new rights-licenses. The main goal of wind industries is to generate environmentally friendly, renewable energy which would be also cheap. The text tells us prices from America. In California, for example, it costs 7c per kW and in areas of high wind it will cost 5c by 1995. By the year 2000 it will be cheaper of another penny.
Wind energy is also a political issue because they have to decide if they tamper with free marketing to nurture a new technology. The answer is definitely yes.

ich habs etwas korrigiert, aber so auf die schnelle geb ich keine garantie ;)


Originally posted by pätzi@22.3.2007, 21:26 Uhr
It would friendly to environment and cheaper because they need just a little breeze.
da ist der das be nach dem would verloren gegangen ;) . Aber ehrlich gesagt find ich den Satz von Tiiger besser als deine Variante

In fact the renewable wind energy, that would be promise to be a clean, reliable source
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, daß der Satz erstens grammatikalisch nicht in Ordnung ist und zweitens find ich ihn sinnlos.
Du schreibst:
It presents new ideas, facts and studies about renewable energy.
Because of the many disadvantages of dependence on dirty fuels and foreign oils, the USA had new plans for wind power. In fact the renewable wind energy, that would be promise to be a clean, reliable source.
wenn du den letzten Teil beibehalten willst würd ich das so schreiben:
It presents new ideas, facts and studies about renewable energy.
Because of the many disadvantages of dependence on dirty fuels and foreign oils, the USA had new plans for wind power which promises to be a clean, reliable source.

Unfortunately these plans were not realized because the reputation of wind turbines was not very good and the stigma of tax scams
Am Schluß ist dir ein Zeitwort abhanden gekommen.
Unfortunately these plans were not realized because the reputation of wind turbines was not very good and had the stigma of tax scams
Ich nehm mal an du willst sagen, daß sie das Stigma von Steuerbetrug haben

Mit dem Rest stimme ich mit pätzi überein


ich hab den text jetzt selber mal gelesen und eine freundin hat mir geholfen so würden wir das schreiben:

The article ‘’Breezing into the Future’’ written by Dick Thompson for the TIME-Magazine gives us a short glance at the history of wind power usage as an alternate energy source for the United States.
Around 1900 most of the energy needed on farms was produced by their own windmills, which were replaced in the 30’s by getting connected to a national energy network when the countryside was wired by the Rural Electrification Administration. Research for alternate ways of gaining energy began in the 70’s. Because of the many disadvantages of depending on mineral fuel which partially had to be imported, plans for making wind power a sensible alternative to these fuels came up. Back then, in the early 1980s, the wind was still promised to be a reliable and clean source that wouldn’t run out so fast - in contrast to e.g. mineral oil or natural gas. This dream of winning energy in an ecologically friendly way came to a sudden end, when the bad reputation and possible tax evasion made power companies back away.
In the 90’s engineers could make wind turbines more efficient and economical and by that helped to realise the idea. They were now able to meet 10% of America’s energy demand - and with better technologies, this rate might even increase, although the turbines cannot be used in the entire USA. Figures the article came up with show that the goal of wind energy usage - i.e. being cheap, renewable and ecologically friendly all at the same time - has already been achieved in the 90’s and predicts that wind power will become even more efficient in the future.
Still this form of winning energy was a political issue - it was to be decided whether to invest money into an alternative yet not so new technology or not. But the article leaves no doubt about the answer to be ‘’yes!’’.